Available in: Axsy Mobile for Salesforce, Axsy Field Service, Axsy Public Sector, Axsy Retail Execution

The Settings tab of the Axsy Mobile app in the Salesforce Web UI provides access to the Axsy Config Tool which is used for configuring the behaviour of the Axsy Mobile app. The Global tab for the Axsy Config Tool is where various global app settings are defined.


When viewing the Global tab of the Axsy Config Tool, selecting the Routes option from the side menu presents settings related to how the Axsy Mobile app should display Routes on the main menu of the Axsy Mobile app.


  1. Routes must be configured as a visible option in the main menu settings.
  2. See the In-App Route Optimisation article for further details

SobjectSelect the object that is available for route optimisation. The choices are:
  • Visit
  • Event
  • Service Appointment
Relationship to LocationFor the selected object, defines the "dot notation" path to the lookup field with the Location record to be used for a given Visit, Event or Service Appointment.

Example for the Visit object where the location is based on the Visit's Retail Store: Place_RetailStore.LocationId

Example for the Service Appointment object where the location is defined by a custom lookup field - with API name Location__c - that is directly on the Service Appointment: Location__r
Offline Optimisation Convergence SpeedNumber between 1 and 99 that determines the "convergence speed" of the offline algorithm. Higher values work slower but give more accurate output.