Available in:

  1. Pre Axsy Summer '24: Axsy Mobile for Salesforce, Axsy Field Service, Axsy Public Sector, Axsy Retail Execution
  2. Axsy Axsy Summer '24: Axsy Mobile for Salesforce

Scheduled Event Deletion

Axsy's managed packages includes a scheduled a job: Axsy Scheduled Event Deletion running the Apex class: ScheduledEventDeletion which runs at 2am daily.

Known Issue 

Due to various Salesforce issues, the scheduling for this Apex class may disappear or not run as intended after a managed package upgrade. To resolve this issue you may need to reinstate the scheduling manually. To do so, from Setup  Custom Code  Apex Classes, select Schedule Apex as shown below

Creating a New Scheduled Apex Job

Specify the Job Name as Axsy Schedule Event Deletion (or similar) and ensure you select ScheduledEventDeletion as the Apex Class and see below for scheduling details.

Rescheduling Axsy Scheduled Event Deletion

The ScheduledEventDeletion Apex class will remove up to 10,000 event records each time it runs. If you have more than 10,000 event records that need to be deleted to reach the default Axsy Event Lifespan (Days) threshold (typically 7 days), this job will need to be run multiple times.