Available in:

  1. Pre Axsy Summer '24: Axsy Mobile for Salesforce, Axsy Field Service, Axsy Public Sector, Axsy Retail Execution
  2. Axsy Summer '24: Axsy Mobile for Salesforce

The Home tab of the Axsy Mobile web app in the Salesforce web UI provides access to the Dashboard tab.

The Dashboard tab must be monitored regularly by support teams to facilitate:

1. Pro-active action taking in the avoidance of future support problems
2. As the starting point in investigation and troubleshooting activities for problems that have already occurred.

Dashboard Tab

The Dashboard tab displays visual charts that provide overview information and also allows access to important event information reported by the Axsy Mobile app. An example Dashboard is shown below.

Time Window Filter

The dashboard will open with information presented for the last 24 hours, you can modify the time window by selecting the last 7, 14 or 30 days.

MANAGING EVENT DATA STORAGE: To ensure that event data does not occupy excessive storage, event data is stored for a configurable number of days before being deleted. The default value storage duration is 7 days, and this can be modified for other durations via the Org level settings and utilities.

Event and Count Trends

Counts are shown for Errors, Warnings and All Events with accompanying trend arrows.

Clicking on any of the categories redirects you to the Events tab where more detailed information is available.

MONITORING ERRORS AND WARNINGS: If errors are present (shown in red) these must be investigated further. Warnings (shown in blue) should be investigated further.

Core App Versions

Core App Versions are the versions of the Axsy Mobile app that users will download from the App Stores.

The version number will normally be the current Axsy App Store release, but the prior App Store version may also be shown if a new version of the core app has been recently released.

Hovering over the chart, gives the exact number of events generated by the core app versions.

MONITORING OLD CORE APP VERSIONS: If you notice use of old core app versions, you should contact individual users to ask them to upgrade their apps.

Bundle Versions

Bundle versions are the mobile features sets in use in the core apps. 

Bundle version numbers should be similar to or identical to the core app version when you are using Code Push to deliver mobile feature sets to users Axsy Mobile apps. 

Lower Bundle version numbers indicate use of a compatibility mobile feature set with the previous Axsy release.

MONITORING BUNDLE VERSION DEPLOYMENT: The deployment of mobile feature sets is controlled by you as an administrator of the Axsy Mobile web app. After your test users have tested and accepted a new mobile feature Set you can monitor deployment of the new mobile feature set via this chart.

If you notice users are not using the latest mobile feature set after you have deployed it you can contact them to remind them to logout / login to their mobile app to receive the latest mobile feature set by code push.

Averaged Event Metrics by Hour and by Day

Event metrics charts are shown for your chosen time window. You must select a time window greater than 24 hours to see both charts.

MONITORING EVENTS BY HOUR AND BY DAY: The charts provide useful information and can assist in proactive support and troubleshooting. For example errors and warnings at the start of a day may indicate an initial sync problem when mobile users first start using their devices.

Averaged Initial Sync Metrics

The initial sync is an integral part of the Axsy Mobile app's ability to work offline. The averaged initial sync metrics chart provides information relating to how long and how much data is being synced. 

MONITORING INITIAL SYNC VOLUMES AND DURATIONS: If you notice a change in the volume of  records or the duration of the initial sync, this should be investigated to understand the root cause and is likely to be due to a change in your data and / or your Sync Config.