Available in: Axsy Retail Execution

Axsy supports the ability to have values for Retail Visit KPIs automatically calculated based on the values entered for other Retail Visit KPIs. 

Example: The Share of Shelf KPI could be automatically calculated by dividing the actual Number of Facings KPI by the target Number of Facings KPI.

Calculated KPIs are only currently supported with the following Assessment Task types:

  • Inventory Check
  • Promotion Check

Defining Calculated KPIs

Making use of Calculated KPIs first involves defining an Assessment Indicator Definition of type "Formula".

  1. Create a new Assessment Indicator Definition
  2. Use the Axsy Smart Indicator Designer to set the Smart Indicator type to "Formula"
  3. If applicable, enable the check box that makes this Assessment Indicator Definition read-only, which will block users from manually editing a calculated value
  4. Add the formula that should be use to auto-calculate the actual value for this Assessment Indicator Definition
  5. Formulas can reference other Assessment Indicator Definitions and can reference the Actual Value and/or the Target Value for other Retail Visit KPIs that use the referenced Assessment Indicator Definition - typing the '@' symbol will display a look-up of available Assessment Indicator Definitions that can be referenced

The following operators and functions are supported in the formulas that can be used for Calculated KPIs : Supported Formulas

NOTE: When creating a formula that references a Boolean Assessment Indicator Definition, its value needs to be a boolean, not a string. For example, IF(BooleanKPI.ActualValue == true, 0, 1) would be accepted, but IF(BooleanKPI.ActualValue == "True", 0, 1) would not. 

Figure 1 - Axsy Smart Indicator Designer for Formula Assessment Indicator Definitions

Formulas that reference the values of other Retail Visit KPIs are limited to those Retail Visit KPIs that are for the same Product and In-Store Location (i.e. KPIs in the same row in the Axsy Enhanced Inventory Check UI).

Figure 2 - Formulas can only reference other Retail Visit KPIs that are in the same row (i.e. with the same Product and In-Store Location combination)

Once the Formula Assessment Indicator Definition has been defined, it can then be added to the Retail Store KPIs and Assessment Task Definitions that make up an Action Plan Template. Any Retail Visit KPIs that are then generated for a Visit that are for the Formula Assessment Indicator Definition will then be treated as Calculated KPIs by the Axsy Mobile App.

NOTE: While such KPIs will be treated as Calculated KPIs by the Axsy Mobile App, when viewing or editing that Retail Visit KPI directly in Salesforce, such as via the Salesforce Web UI, it will be treated by Salesforce as a normal KPI and Salesforce will not enforce the configured formula.

Calculated KPIs in the Mobile App 

When completing an Inventory Check or Promotion Check Assessment Task during Visit execution, the Axsy Mobile App will keep track of which Retail Visit KPIs are Calculated KPIs and the other Assessment Indicator Definitions and Visit KPIs that are referenced by its formula. When a user updates a referenced Visit KPI, the Calculated KPI will have its value automatically calculated and updated.

If the "read-only" check box was left unchecked, then the user will be able to modify the value for a Calculated KPI at any time. If the "read-only" check box was checked, the user will be blocked from making any manual edits. 

NOTE: If a user manually edits a Calculated KPI but then makes an edit to a Visit KPI referenced by its formula, the Calculated KPI will be re-calculated and updated accordingly, overwriting the manually entered value.