Available in: Axsy Retail Execution

Axsy's Enhanced Inventory Check lets users carry out their in-store checks with ease and efficiency using a tabular-UI experience.

Launch the Inventory Check Task for a Visit

Once a user has started a Visit, they are able to launch any Inventory Check Assessment Tasks that are part of that Visit's Action Plan and bring up the Enhanced Inventory Check UI.

KPI Pre-Population

If a completed Visit for the same Retail Store is synced to the Axsy Mobile App and that Visit includes a completed Inventory Check task, the user will be prompted with three options on whether they would like to pre-populate KPI answers based on that previously completed Visit:

  • Use them as a guide - The KPI values for the previous Visit will display but be greyed out and the user can individually choose to confirm and insert the value or edit it before saving
  • Use them to set actual KPI values - The KPI values for the previous Visit will be automatically inserted and saved
  • Ignore them - Previous KPI values are ignored and KPI fields for this Visit will be empty

Filling Out KPIs

After selecting a pre-population choice, if applicable, the Inventory Check tabular UI will be displayed for the selected in-store location(s) with the relevant KPIs in cells. The columns will consist of the names of the Assessment Indicator Definitions applicable to the Inventory Check task for the Visit, and the rows will display the corresponding Products associated with the Inventory Check task. The supported Retail Store KPIs are those that have Assessment Indicator Definitions with the data types Number, Decimal, Boolean, Text, Date Time and Percentage.

Display of Product and Product Category Information

With reference to the extracted screenshot below. Beneath each Product, Product Category information is shown if Sort by Category is enabled from within Settings.

The standard Salesforce Category object is used as the source of this information. Once a Product is associated with a Category as a related list item, then the Category name will be displayed beneath each Product item in the Inventory Check.

KPI Status Badges

The icon next to a KPI field will update depending on its current state with regards to having ananswer and whether or not that answer has been synced to the Salesforce Platform.

KPI Status
Synced ValueThe KPI answer has been synced back to Salesforce.
Previous ValueThe KPI has access to a Previous Value, but this value has not been confirmed as an Actual Value. To insert it as an Actual Value – so that it can be saved – select the blue arrow.
Target ValueThe KPI has access to a Target Value, but this value has not been confirmed as an Actual Value. To insert the value – so that it can be saved – select the yellow arrow.
Actual ValueThe KPI has an Actual Value ready to be synced back to the Salesforce Platform. To save it to Salesforce, select the Save button from the Action Bar.
Reversible ValueThe KPI can be reverted to a previous value entered. Select the red arrow to rollback changes.

NOTE: Once a KPI has a 'Synced Value' status, it can still be edited and subsequently updated to the Salesforce Platform. 

Action Bar

The Action Bar is where you can customise your view of the Inventory Check UI and perform actions on KPI fields. It is available at the top of the main Inventory Check screen.

  • Save - Select the Save button to save your changes and sync all KPI updates to the Salesforce Platform.
  • Filter - Select the Filter button to open a screen where you can filter what KPIs are shown. For example, you can filter on In-Store Locations, Product Categories and which Assessment Indicator Definitions to display.

  • Settings – Select the Settings Button to open a screen where you can customise the UX of the Inventory Check UI to refine or expand on available information and actions.
  • PhotosAttach photos to the Inventory Check task.
  • Set All – Select the yellow arrow to apply any Target Values defined for Retail Store KPIs to its Actual Value.
  • Revert – Select the red arrow to revert all applicable KPI answers to their previously entered value for the current Visit. The values will need to be subsequently saved to the Salesforce Platform.

Max KPI Columns Setting

One of the options under the Inventory Check Settings available via the Action Bar is the Max KPI Columns to display. If more Assessment Indicator Definitions are available than the number specified by this setting, then an additional column at the end of the table will displayed with an Overflow icon. When this icon is selected, the remaining KPIs that are out of view will be brought up on a new screen where there values can be entered.