Available in: Axsy Retail Execution

Along with launch a Smart Form via the Axsy Mobile App's Action Menu, it is also possible to associate a Smart Form to an Assessment Task for a Visit so that Smart Forms can be assigned to a Visit via its Action Plan Template.

Create an Assessment Indicator Definition

  1. Navigate to the Assessment Indicator Definition object via the Salesforce Web UI App Launcher and select New.
  2. Enter appropriate values for the Assessment Indicator Definition fields, making sure to set the Data Type field to a value of "Text".

  3. Save your changes.

Create an Assessment Task Definition with the Assessment Indicator Definition

  1. Navigate to the Assessment Task Definition object via the Salesforce Web UI App Launcher and select New.
  2. Enter appropriate values for the Assessment Task Definition fields, making sure to set the Assessment Task Definition Task Type field to a value of "Other".
  3. Navigate to the Related tab of the Assessment Task Definition you just created and select Add for the Assessment Indicator Definition Related List.

  4. Select the Assessment Indicator Definition created previously. The Assessment Task Definition field will already be correctly assigned.

  5. Save your changes.

Create an Action Plan Template with the Assessment Task Definition

  1. Navigate to the Action Plan Template object via the Salesforce Web UI App Launcher and select New.
  2. Enter appropriate values for the Action Plan Template fields, making sure to set the Target Object to "Visit" and the Action Plan Type field to a value of "Assessment Execution".
  3. Add a new Assessment Task Definition, selecting the Assessment Task Definition created earlier.

  4. Save your changes.

Create a Retail Store KPI

  1. Navigate to the Retail Store KPI object via the Salesforce Web UI App Launcher and select New.
  2. Enter appropriate values for the Retail Store KPI fields, making sure to set the Assessment Indicator Definition field to the record created earlier and the Custom Context field to the Smart Form you want to be run.
  3. Save your changes.

Run the Smart Form During Visit Execution

  1. Assign the Action Plan Template created earlier to a Visit.
  2. The Smart Form defined in the previously created Retail Store KPI now appears as a Task in the Axsy Mobile App. 
  3. Select the Task to complete the Smart Form.