Available in: Axsy Mobile for Salesforce, Axsy Field Service, Axsy Public Sector, Axsy Retail Execution

The Settings tab of the Axsy Mobile app in the Salesforce Web UI provides access to the Axsy Config Tool which is used for configuring the behaviour of the Axsy Mobile app. The Global tab for the Axsy Config Tool is where various global app settings are defined.


When viewing the Global tab of the Axsy Config Tool, selecting the Calendar option from the side menu presents settings related to the UI of the Calendar View of the Axsy Mobile app.

Week start dayNumeric value defining which day of the week is displayed as the first day in the calendar - e.g. 0 is Sunday, 1 is Monday, etc.
Week end dayNumeric value defining which day of the week is displayed as the last day in the calendar - e.g. 0 is Sunday, 1 is Monday, etc.
Day start timeNumeric value - from 0 to 23 - defining at what hour a day should start.
Day end timeNumeric value - from 0 to 23 - defining at what hour a day should end.
Add EventCheckbox that determines if the action to Add Event should be included in the Calendar View's Action Menu.
Add VisitCheckbox that determines if the action to Add Visit should be included in the Calendar View's Action Menu.

NOTE: This setting is only applicable for Public Sector and Retail Execution and ignored otherwise.
View DefaultPicklist for configuring the default view - Day, Week or Month - of the Calendar View.