Available in: Axsy Mobile for Salesforce, Axsy Field Service, Axsy Public Sector, Axsy Retail Execution

To export a Smart Form you need to do so through the REST Explorer from Salesforce Workbench. This method requires saving the JSON data of the Smart Form into a text file. 

Exporting a Smart Form 

  1. Navigate to Workbench on the web and log in to the Salesforce Org from which you want to export the Smart.

    NOTE: This method of export will always export the most recently published version of the Smart Form.

  2. Navigate to the Utilities tab and open REST Explorer. Select GET as the HTTP request.

  3. Change the URL to: /services/apexrest/axsy_forms/form/<form-ID>
    • <form-ID> is the Salesforce ID of the Smart Form you want to export.
    • The Salesforce ID can be retrieved from the URL when viewing a Smart Form in the Salesforce Web UI. It is the text in the URL between axsy_forms__Form__c/ and /view

  4. Select Execute and then Show Raw Response.

  5. Copy and paste the Raw Response into a .txt or a .json file - only the JSON that comes after the HTTP headers - and save the file.

With the Smart Form exported, now you need to import the JSON of the Smart Form into the target Org. Please see this article for more information on this: Importing Smart Forms Versions