Available in: Axsy Mobile for Salesforce, Axsy Field Service, Axsy Public Sector, Axsy Retail Execution

The Axsy Mobile App supports a Flow Diagnostics mode which allows your administrators and your operations team to troubleshoot how Flows are run and executed in the Axsy app.

Enabling Flow Diagnostics Mode

To enable Flow Diagnostics in the Axsy app:

  1. Open the main menu
  2. Select the Cog icon to open Settings
  3. Select Advanced Settings
  4. Enable the toggle for Flow Diagnostics

NOTE: Advanced Settings will need to be enabled for a user in the Axsy Config Tool for this option to be available in the Axsy app.

Flow Diagnostics are enabled via Advanced Settings

Viewing Flow Diagnostics

Once enabled, a Hammer icon will be available wherever flows are executed in the app:

  • For Screen Flows, the Hammer icon will appear in the top-right of the flow window.
  • For Dashboards, the Hammer icon will appear in the title bar for each widget.

Red hammer icon at the top-right of the Screen Flow window

Red hammer icon in the title bar of each Dashboard Widget

Selecting the Hammer icon will bring up a diagnostics window for the flow showing details like results of actions, decisions and queries to the local app database.

The contents of the diagnostics can then be copied to the device clipboard by using the Copy icon at the top-right of the diagnostics window.

The Copy icon will copy to the device clipboard the content of the diagnostics

Advanced Flow Diagnostics

Once Flow Diagnostics is enabled under Advanced Settings, an additional setting to further enable Advanced Flow Diagnostics will be displayed. The additional toggle enables the ability – when the user is online – to view and compare the results of offline queries in the local app database against the same queries conducted online on the Salesforce Platform.

Example of additional information included with advanced diagnostics

NOTE: Due to the additional queries, enabling Advanced Flow Diagnostics can slow down the performance of the Axsy app during Flow execution.

Differences Between Salesforce Flow Debugger

Please note the following differences between Axsy's Flow Diagnostics Mode and Salesforce's Flow Debugger:

  • Axsy's Flow Diagnostics Mode still runs the Flow as normal and any performed actions, including any update and create operations and changes, are committed to the Axsy Mobile App and Salesforce.
  • Rollback mode is not supported.
  • Flow input variables cannot be entered manually and are automatically set at the start of the Flow, such as when a Flow is started from a Flow Task, Lightning Action or from an Axsy Dashboard.
  • The Flow version that is run is always the active version of the Flow included in the latest published Axsy Config Version that was synced by the user at login.